Sunday, March 20, 2011

Super Sunday

This weekend didn't go as planned, but turned out to be pretty great anyway! We had Hattie dedicated at church this morning, so at the last minute Jeff's mom and my mom and sister came into town on Saturday.  We all went over and looked at the new house (just the outside/yard, will pick the keys up in the morning) then went driving around the Azalea district looking at all the beautiful homes and their amazing yards beginning to bloom.  Spring is so gorgeous!  Then this morning we all went to church together. Hattie was by far the most beautiful baby there, and preformed wonderfully, i.e. no spitting up, screaming or crying. :)

After church we gave our moms a tour of the new Fresh store, followed by nap time! I LOVE SUNDAYS!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Here We Go Again!

We're moving!! Same town.  Better house.  Bigger house.  Bigger yard.  Lower payment.  YAY!!  Have I convinced you it's worth it? It's definitely worth it.  We knew when we moved to Tyler and chose this house that it was temporary.  A family with 4 kids can't live where there is no yard.  And in a house with wall to wall carpet.  It is maddening trying to keep the carpet clean.  Who has ever heard of carpet in a dining room??

All that said, I'm going to miss my big closet terribly.  And my big kitchen and garage. And we're going to miss Jack Elementary, although I hear Caldwell is a great school as well!  Mixed emotions for sure, but when all is said and done, we're on the right track.  We're where we are supposed to be and the Lord is blessing us abundantly because of it!  Now I reeeally need to get off the computer and start packing while the boys are all at soccer practice and Hattie is snoozing!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh Sugar

Today was Fat Tuesday.  Which means tomorrow is Ash Wednesday.  Which means tomorrow at sunset is the beginning of Lent.  Which means I need to actually get my butt in gear, pray, and decide what I'm fasting.  UGH.  I'm not one of those "oh yay, I love the blessings the Lord bestows when I fast and seek His face" kind of fasters.  I'm one of those "ugh I hate almost every second of this, I need some chocolate NOW" kind of fasters... Yes, that's a bit exaggerated, I don't really have that bad an attitude, and honestly the Lord does amazing things when we fast and pray, but man.  It's not my favorite. Last year I fasted TV, and it actually wasn't too bad.  I realized I don't watch that much anyway, and we always take Sunday's off (Biblically it was the day of feasts and celebrations, so they didn't fast on Sundays) so I would catch up on anything I actually did care about thru some DVR action.  I was tempted to do the same thing this year, but you're really supposed to give up something you care about.  Something that you are putting before your relationship with the Lord.  Something that has a stronghold on you.  SUGAR is my downfall.  I reeeally like sugar.  Mostly in the chocolate form, but I'll take it in the ice cream, fruit, cheesecake or cinnamon chip form as well.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mommy Randomness

Ok, I'm not making this up...

This morning I was walking around the house picking up, when I came across a package of underwear we bought last night so Max could dress up as Captain Underpants in his school's parade of favorite book characters today. I put the underwear under my arm, grabbed a cup with my right hand and a plate with my left and took them to the sink. I noticed the dishwasher hadn't been emptied so I emptied it, filled it and started it. Then I heard the washing machine stop spinning. Right now there's something wrong w/ it, and when it drains, if I don't run in there and turn it on and off until it's empty it overflows. So I turn it on and off about 4 times till it has drained and then I hear Hattie crying. I go check on her, she's fine just bored so I put her in her jonny-jump-up and start picking up all the toys she was playing with. Then I noticed Ben had been quiet for a while, never good. I find him in the bathroom brushing his teeth! Pleasant surprise. I look in the mirror and realize I'm still carrying the underwear under my arm.

Seriously? I'm just thankful I didn't go out in public! Geeze.

Well, now on to the reason I sat down to blog... some pics of course :) Here are some of the happenings as of late...

Noah got the award for "Special Teams Co-Player of the Year" at their football banquet!! And Max got his Super Bowl trophy!! #1 baby! Ben used reverse psychology and somehow convinced me he didn't need his paci anymore, so he still has it.... I dunno, don't judge... Hattie got to swing for the first time! Thumbs up for sure! Noah came in 5th in his school spelling bee (he was the youngest in the whole competition!) and Daddy bought Hattie her first Valentine's Day outfit :)
Meanwhile a couple things I have done: helped Noah with his solar system project, complete with a space satellite, solar flares, and a black hole (that was not a spot where little brother got ahold of red paint and made a big mess)... braved the zoo with all 4 by myself, and had lots of fun with my little girl :)