Friday, April 24, 2009


So in the last 12 hours I have:

1)Stepped in ants while weeding the flower beds,

2)Found the cats food COMPLETELY GONE (AGAIN) because of a flipping raccoon that won't quit getting into the tub!,
3)Found out Jeff's aunt has rheumatoid arthritis (sp??),
4)Found out Jeff's G-dad has cancer again (we kinda knew, but now it's for sure),
5)Found out some good friends of ours are divorcing,
6)Found out a dear friend of ours who suffered a stroke 2 months ago (she's only in her 40s!) and is still not walking or talking or moving much at all has been accepted to one of the most amazing facilities with state of the art technology and doctors around,
and finally,

7)Realized once again how fragile life is and how blessed I am to have a pretty awesome husband who will be by my side through everything we might face down the road!

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