Friday, January 15, 2010

Scrap It

Scrap It meets tomorrow!! I'm so looking forward to getting a few pages done... I'm so stinking far behind! Why did I take up scrap booking?? I need something else on my calendar like I need a hole in my head. I feel incredibly scattered lately - so many things going on but nothing I can actually finish or feel accomplished about. I think worrying about Jeff's job situation, and contemplating what life is going to be like starting next week (him working 3 jobs (so no schedule) and 4 courses, only 1 of which is online, with 1 car, and Max playing soccer, and oh yeah, the boys have to get to and from school) isn't helping any. I need to chill... It'll all work out, it's just that feeling of being in limbo drives me nutty!

What the crap is up w/ these ridiculous looking shoes that claim to tone your legs and butt just by wearing them. is anyone ACTUALLY buying them? They're about the dumbest thing I've seen in awhile... Just sayin...


  1. i bought a pair of those shoes and they are the most comfortable things i have ever owned. my daughter (21) bought them because she's on her feet all day and her heels have been sore. The shoes have made a huge difference for her.

  2. I think we might be talking about 2 different things? I've seen the shoes with a springy looking thing in the heel, that claim to relieve back pain, and I've heard several success stories. Not the shoes I'm talking about. These shoes are simply round on the bottom... almost boat like. And all they pride themeselves in is toning your buttocks. Guess I'm oldschool but I believe lunges and squats have a monopoly on that department, and walking on flipping boats will not do the trick. haha! I'm very passionate about boat shoes!?
