Friday, August 19, 2011

The Shortest Never Ending Summer. Ever.

Ok, so 3 months without a single entry?! OMG I'm a slacker.  It's not like we moved and I've been home with 4 kids during summer break or anything.  Talk about a long summer that went by REALLY quickly! I know that doesn't make sense but it's so true! It's like the longest summer, EVER, but I can't believe the kids start school on Monday! Yaayyyy!!!!

Meet the teacher was tonight. It is such a blessing to know that the Lord hears our prayers and to experience it when He answers.  It was just amazing to meet Max's teacher and see that she's young, energetic and sweet... the exact words I use when praying for his future teachers.  They MUST have energy and plenty of patience.  Then Noah's teacher seems PERFECT for him... outgoing, very intelligent and organized!  We have been so incredibly blessed with awesome teachers (except one of Max's... She wasn't completely horrible, but there was definitly room for improvement! There's probably a prior post about that!) ever since they started pre-k 6 years ago!

To quickly recap the last few months, the move went great.  Back in the house I grew up in.  Back in the schools I grew up in.  Back with all the friends and family I grew up with.  It's been so odd... several times I have referred to things that happened 2 years ago as "last year", almost like the year we were in Tyler didn't even happen.  It's mostly odd because we went into that move assuming it was for forever!  When we made the decision to move (as well documented on this very blog) it was based on our future.  Our future was in Tyler.  And.... now we're back, and it's like we were never gone! Instead of it being our new home, it's just "the year we lived in Tyler."  It's sooo weird! 

When we moved back it was based on a more secure job with a similar salary. Well that was too good to be true I guess.  Jeff's first pay check was about 500 short of what we had been told it was going to be and his next was 300 less than that! Yeah, I was angry, scared, upset, worried, etc.  Then I went to the Lord and as always He gave me such a peace, a peace that all the money in the world could never give me.  Since then Jeff has been able to start his own concrete company on the side and has even applied for a youth pastor/assistant pastor position at the church we've been attending.  (Oh yeah, the church issue.... I'll have to save that for another post! Long story short, the Lord led us to an AMAZING church, it's tiny but we LOVE love love it.)  We should be hearing in the next couple of weeks if they're going to offer him the job or not.  Either way, I know we are where we're supposed to be and will always be taken care of!

That's all for now. Oh yeah, I start my new job, watching a newborn sweet baby boy, on Monday morning also! Getting the big boys to school will be an adventure!! :)

1 comment:

  1. well i for one am so glad for your "year in tyler"! we miss you guys here, but i'm glad to hear things are going well for you back home. i'll definitely keep you all in my prayers w/the youth pastor job deal. keep us posted!
