Monday, February 1, 2010


Just got off the phone with my dad. He usually only calls if he needs a favor, so sometimes I hesitate to answer, but I didn't this time. I definitely wasn't expecting what he said.

His best friend's wife was finally successful in ending her life this morning.

She's tried at least 3 times before, but because her husband was a high profile athelete, they managed to keep it very quiet, although everyone at church knew and she had gone through ministry w/ my parents multiple times.

I'm not really sad for her. She had so many people reaching out to her, letting her know how much we need her HERE, on earth w/ us, and that it would be very selfish of her to end her life, despite how much of a burden she felt she was (she had severe anxiety and felt worthless bc of it).

I am, however, devistated for her young daughter.

I can't even describe the sorrow I'm feeling in my heart for her. When she gets a little older, she's gonna realize that to her mom, she wasn't enough of a reason to fight for life. And that breaks my heart.

I get it that in the mom's mind, everyone is better off now, but it's obviously just the opposite. Thankfully the father is pretty stable, and my parents are pretty amazing at handling situations like this (my mom struggles w/ severe anxiety as well).

It still just sucks.

Today I'm thankful for forgiveness, and that our good friend is finding out exactly how good it is right now.

1 comment:

  1. This breaks my heart. A child will never be able to understand why his/her mother chose death over life.

    I wish people would realize that depression can be controlled (for the most part) with medication. The shame of being on medication has to be put to rest. If your brain needs medication to function, it is no different than if you have diabetes and need insulin, or high blood pressure and take medication for that.

    So sad.
