Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rain, Rain, GO AWAY!

I'm pretty sure it has rained, on average, every other day for the past 6 months, and I'm fully aware that we were in a drout at this time last year, but good grief, I think we're good now!

So we're off to the coast today! Everyone's excited, which means there's alot of noise at my house right now. Which is fine with me cause I'm not there! I'm stuck up at the church, trying to get the bulletin's printed before we take off! .

So the Mavs game SUCKED. But they beat the Bulls last night, so we're back on track. We had beaten the Knicks a couple of months ago by 50 points, so they felt they needed to prove a point or something I guess? I don't really blame them, but we had such amazing seats, and all we saw was defeat, up close. Oh well...

I still have the cough from hell. Going on 4 weeks now. Went to the doc and he just said take Robitussin, which is NASTY and makes me gag and I'm convinced does nothing. The massive snot production that my body is insisting on making right now isn't making the situation any better. I've been sleeping in the recliner in the living room, to spare Jeff the constant hacking. My mother in law said she had the cough for 4 weeks, so please, God, let this be the last of it.

Off to fold some bulletins, then to get a nice pre-Summer tan =)

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