Thursday, January 21, 2010


I'm sooo annoyed w/ Noah's Quest (GT) teacher right now.

So apparently our school district isn't forking enough money over for the Gifted & Talented program so there's only one teacher for all 5 elementary schools in our district. Which means Noah only gets to go to Quest on Friday mornings from like 830 - noon. Well, because she's so busy, he hasn't had Quest since before the Christmas break! She's been teaching in Ft. Worth for some reason and our town doesn't have a sub for that class or something?? I don't know the details, but that's not even the actual reason I'm pissed.

Noah's favorite thing about school (other than recess of course-he IS a boy) is library day, and he's been in heaven this year because when he goes to the library w/ quest, he can get a book from ANY section! Not just the second grade section.

Well, back in October, Noah had checked out a couple of books when he was in Quest, along w/ a couple w/ his regular teacher, but on different days of the week. Well 2 weeks later when it was time to return the books he had checked out w/ Quest, the teacher didn't show, so he didn't get to return the books. I didn't even find out until I got his report card and it said I owed 60 freaking dollars for 2 library books! What!? Well Noah told me exactly what happened and that it was only a 20 cent fine and that his Quest teacher paid it for him.

I chilled out and dropped it.

Fast forward to today. Noah gets home from school and hands me another one of those papers that has OVERDUE stamped on it in big red letters. 45 bucks this time! Noah was almost in tears telling me how he didn't get to check out a book today (w/ his regular class) because he hasn't returned the books from Quest (the class he hasn't had in a month!!!).

It breaks my heart picturing him sitting at a table all alone, holding a piece of paper basically telling the world he did something wrong, while his classmates are browsing the library for books. I know how dramatic that sounds but I also know how exaggerated situations are to kids. It must have felt like hours that he sat there by himself. He even told the librarian the story and she couldn't call me so I could bring the books up?? Aahhh!!

Right now I'm realizing that I've got issues. Obviously as a mom I want to always be there for my kids, but I won't always be able to. I've got to let things like this go. Emotionally - not physically. The school will definitely be hearing from me tomorrow, but I can't let it break my heart. I have to know that every situation like this will build character in my children, strengthen them and that's not a bad thing. It's my job to teach him how to handle himself when he faces things like this, not be there to handle everything for him.

I'm still mad though.

On an even more depressing note - Jeff's student loan was 1000 less than anticipated, and that 500 bucks I mentioned the other day that we could use for a clunker that we seriously need... Yeah, got the electric bill - $504.26. Crap.

One more thing - is it normal that wedgies have evolved into Max running around w/ his underwear completely up his crack, laughing at the top of his lungs? Or is he a weird child? I'm really not sure.

Today I'm thankful for this beautiful day! 65 and sunny! It was wonderful. Ben and I walked to the park to feed the ducks, and we all went fishing in the pond wheh Jeff got home.

I think I'm over the library situation now. Just needed to blog-it-out. =)

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